Why Buy LTC Quote Plus Instead of XYZ Software?

Several companies have software or web sites that claim to quote and compare Long Term Care Insurance policies. Why should you use LTC Quote Plus instead of one of the others? Here are key questions to ask of any LTC premium quoting system:

Can you take it with you?

Can you load the program on your notebook computer and bring to a client's home? Can you sit with the client at the kitchen table, respond to "what-if" questions by opening your notebook and generating the answers in a few seconds, without an Internet connection?

You can if you're using LTC Quote Plus. Otherwise you're using someone's website, and you need an Internet connection. Do you want to assume the client will have a connection, and that you'll be able to link to it?

How easy is it to use?

  • Do I have to navigate through several screens to get a quote?
  • Can I choose benefit levels in a simple consistent manner?
  • Do I have to spend time learning to use the program?
  • Are there annoying delays in calculating premiums, or do they appear immediately when benefits are set or changed?
LTC Quote Plus has virtually no navigation. Every benefit setting is on one screen, premiums update instantly when you change coverage, and there is virtually nothing to learn.

Does the program have the policies I need, with rates that apply to my state?

LTC Quote Plus has the policies of all major carriers and quotes are state-specific.

Does the system show premiums for ALL allowed benefit levels of a policy?

Does it show premiums for ALL underwriting classes, ALL payment options, ALL discounts? Example: some systems will let you quote a Compound Inflation benefit but not a Simple Inflation benefit, even though the insurer offers it. LTC Quote Plus is the only comparison system we've seen that gives you the COMPLETE rate calculation, not an abridged version.

Does the system include every rider or option offered by the insurer?

Many policies have unique riders, such as:
  • A choice of different non-forfeiture options
  • Adjustable assisted living facility benefit
  • Optional indemnity benefit
  • Home care premium waiver
  • Optional pooled benefits
Can you quote a premium with any rider offered by the insurer? Not unless you're using LTC Quote Plus.

Does the system include all the restrictions that apply to the rates quoted?

Examples from current policies:
  • Restoration of Benefits not available with Spousal Survivorship
  • Nonforfeiture shortened benefit not available with paid-up provision.
Today's LTC contracts have multiple restrictions on what combinations of benefits can be chosen. If your software doesn't know them all, you will quote plans that can't be purchased! LTC Quote Plus understands these restrictions and keeps you from quoting coverage that doesn't exist.

Does the system include the state-specific restrictions required by state regulation?

Examples from current plans:
  • Family Discount is not available in New Jersey
  • Weekly home health care not offered in Maryland
  • Enhanced elimination period not available in Connecticut
  • Dependent spouse home health care not offered in New York
  • Two year benefit not available with home care or integrated plan in Arizona
These state differences are built into LTC Quote Plus, so you'll get the right coverage for your state.

Does the system identify Withdrawn policies?

LTC Quote Plus gives you a choice of including withdrawn policies or removing them. It even knows which policies are withdrawn in which states, so a plan will be marked Withdrawn if it is withdrawn in your client's state.

Other quote comparison programs mix current and withdrawn plans and give you no clue which are withdrawn, or which are no longer sold in your client's state. Most likely they don't know or care whether the policy is still sold, and are hoping you don't either.

StrateCision specializes in LTC

StrateCision's LTC Quote Plus has all this because StrateCision specializes in long term care insurance, and has done so since 1992, when it received a grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health to build consumer advisory software.

Others don't

LTC Quote Plus's "competitors" are companies that compare life insurance, annuities, and other financial products. Seeing the growth in LTC, these companies have decided to get in on a good thing. They do not understand that LTC is different from term life, so when they are faced with a multitude of riders, restrictions, and state variations, they simply ignore these complexities in their software. As a result, their comparisons are often inaccurate and incomplete.

An incorrect comparison, once discovered, shows the client that the information you offered cannot be trusted, and neither can you. Your competitors will be happy to point these errors out to your prospects.

The Industry Standard

Because StrateCision focuses on LTC insurance and has for the past 13 years, we know LTC through and through. This is why our LTC Quote Plus and LTC Advisor have become the Industry Standards for comparing LTC contracts. Virtually all large national and regional brokerages and LTC insurers depend on these tools for competitive analysis. Shouldn't the Industry Standard be your standard also?
