Antivirus programs and LTC Quote Plus/Advisor Plus updates


If  you are unable to use the regular internal update feature in LTC Quote Plus or Advisor Plus, even though you have an Internet connection, it is likely that your antivirus program is stopping the update from running.


StrateCision programs use script files to download updates to your computer and many antivirus programs will block these files and prevent them from updating LTC Quote Plus and Advisor Plus.


The script file for LTC Quote Plus is  aupdltcq.hta

The script file for LTC Advisor Plus is updltca2.hta


The solution is to register these script files as Exceptions within your antivirus program, so that it knows they are not viruses and should be allowed to run.


The process for registering exceptions depends on which antivirus program you use.  Here are instructions for antivirus programs that we have investigated.


Avira  AntiVir: 

Right-click the Avira icon (white umbrella on red background) on your Taskbar and choose Configure Antivir. 

Make sure Expert Mode is checked.

Click the + Sign next to Guard

Click the + Sign next to Scan

Click Exceptions

Enter each of the above file names into the “Processes to be omitted” box and click Add.  The 2 file names should appear in the box at the right.

Enter each of the file names in to the “File Objects to be omitted” box and click Add.  Verify the 2 names appear in the box at the right.

Click the Apply button at the bottom of the window.

Click OK to close the window.

Restart your computer


Trend Micro

Open Trend Micro Control Panel by doubleclicking the Trend Micro icon on your Task Bar.

Click on Anti Virus and Spyware Settings

Click on Advanced Settings on the right side

Click on Exception list (blue link) on the right side.

Add Files: updltcq.hta  &  updltca2.hta

Add Folder: c:\stratecision

Save this Exception List and close Trend Micro Control Panel.

Restart your computer.

Note:  if you tried to update LTC Quote Plus or Advisor Plus before registering the exceptions, Trend Micro may have deleted the update script from the application folder.  In this case you will have to reinstall the StrateCision program after registering the exceptions.

Microsoft Security Essentials  (MSE)

This program does not usually stop StrateCision’s update scripts from running.  If you can’t download updates and you think MSE may be stopping the download, then you can register StrateCision files as exceptions:

Open  MSE

Click the Settings tab

Click on Excluded files and locations

Click the Add button

In the browse window, open the C drive, highlight the StrateCision folder and click OK.

The folder C:\StrateCision should appear in the box containing things to exclude.

Click Save changes

Restart your computer.


If you have a different antivirus program, open the program and look for an option to enter exceptions. When you find it, enter the names of the 2 files above, and if folder names can be entered, also enter C:\StrateCision.  If you are not able to enter exceptions, try temporarily disabling your antivirus or other protection program and see if you can download updates.  If so, then the antivirus program is stopping the update. You can re-enable it after updating.


If you continue to have problems downloading updates, contact us and we will try to help